A Blessing Bowl for you or as a Gift/Blessing for Someone else:
by Charles B. Watson & Lynday Huneycutt
This idea flows and stems from the awareness that counting your blessings can uplift your heart. In vibrational understanding, counting one’s Blessings and being Grateful “lifts” your energy and the energy field that surrounds you.
In Psalm 23:5 of the New Living Translation of the Canonical Bible, it reads,
“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.”
This Bowl that has been Hand-Turned by Charles is shaped like a small cup made from the Wood of the Cherry Tree.
The Cherry Tree is connected to Mother Mary and Baby Jesus Christ through a old Medieval English Carol that tells a story of the Cherry Tree bending down and offering its fruit to feed Mary and Baby Jesus at His request on their flight to Egypt. According to the Blog writer of A Clerk of Oxford, aclerkofoxford.blogspot.com, this carol has its roots in the apocryphal Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew relating that a Palm Tree miraculously responded to Jesus’ request. Later, it was changed to a Cherry Tree so to fit with the times and place of the carol.
The Little Bag of folded papers are a collection of words that speak of various Blessings that one could find in their lives.
The Invitation is to pour the unopened Blessing Words into the Blessing Bowl and then randomly pick 1 or more for yourself. Perhaps even praying before you do so. Once you receive the Blessing Word, the recipient is invited to say,
“I am Blessed with…… and fill in the blank with the received Blessing Word.
The Invitation goes further to encourage the recipient to watch for this Blessing in their day; remind them of that Blessing being in their life; or encourage them to connect this Blessing with another Blessing in their life.
There are also little blank slips to write one’s own Blessings.
Our Hope and Prayer is that the participants’ Blessings overflow and that they are Blessed in their lives.
Charles & Lynday
Price: $44.00 (plus shipping, please allow a 2 week turnaround time)